Hailey Bieber shared a raw message about her struggle with self-worth, and her words are deeply relatable
Hailey Baldwin (now Bieber) has a seemingly charmed life: a mega-pop star husband, an enviable modeling career, the love of 16.9 million Instagram followers…and yet on January 6th, 2019, the model revealed to social media followers that behind her perfect Instagram life, she—like so many of us—is fighting an uphill battle with self-love, confidence, and self-worth.
"Truth is no matter how amazing life may look from the outside I struggle," she wrote in a raw Instagram post. "I’m insecure, I’m fragile, I’m hurting, I have fears, I have doubts, I have anxiety, I get sad, I get angry. I have had more days than I can count where I’ve found myself scrolling through Instagram comparing myself, comparing my looks, feeling like I’m not good enough feeling like I lack so many things and really struggling to be confident in who I am because I constantly feel like I’m just not good enough."
Hailey went on to describe how “every single day is a confidence battle,” adding that she’s being honest about this now because she hopes it inspires her to stay this vulnerable in the new year.
"I’m a young woman, I’m learning who I am and, it’s REALLY FREAKING HARD. It’s hard finding who you are, but what’s even harder is being picked apart and compared to other women while trying to do that. There are days that I’m simply broken because of it," she said.
The star included a callout to other women to be more empathetic to each other because, really, you never know who may be sharing the same vulnerabilities and personal struggles as you.
"It would be incredible if other young girls and women could find it in themselves to lift each other up, to stop making other women who are struggling JUST LIKE THEM, feel incompetent and less than. We ALL have flaws, and that will never change," she concluded her post.
We appreciate her transparency. It’s so easy to compare ourselves to others on Instagram, but it’s refreshing to know that behind-the-scenes we’re all humans trying to love ourselves a little bit harder.