Just look at Gwyneth Paltrow’s pantry and immediately feel like a total slob

Gwyneth Paltrow recently shared tips on how to declutter your home in the new year complete with pictures of her home and we’re, like…wondering what pod she came from, because how on EARTH does a normal human keep their living space so spotless? It’s actually alarming. Super respectable and we’re mad jealous but also very alarmed (in a good way!).

Just look at her pantry. It looks like a heavenly chorus should be singing when you open the doors. The light of its cleanliness and godly organization is basically divine, and we’re waiting for the announcement that Gwyneth is hosting spiritual services here.

Everything is entirely in its place, and we’re a little in awe of it. Okay, a lot in awe. We want this to be our pantry — is it possible to have pantry envy?

The Goop post about decluttering your home mainly centers around the folks of The Home Edit who will apparently come to your home and show you how to reach this level of organizational divinity. Clea and Joanna, the Home Edit folks, obviously have substantial wisdom when it comes to getting your shit together.

"Cleaning up a room doesn’t mean you’ve created sustainable systems, so the mess is bound to reappear. If you take the time to think through how you use your space, you can create solutions that you’ll be able to maintain.

As long as “systems” can also mean piling all of our clothes onto The Chair, we think we can handle that, LOL.

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