Gwyneth Paltrow opened up about her father’s cancer, and what she said is *so* important
Icon and Goop creator Gwyneth Paltrow has opened up about her dad’s death and how it influenced her shift in habits, and her desire to live a more health-conscious life. You may remember that Gwyneth Paltrow’s dad, Bruce, died in 2002 due to complications from cancer and pneumonia. Ever since, she’s been thinking about her body and how she treats it differently. It’s really so interesting, and we’re hearing her out.
Whether you love her or think her health obsession is too far-fetched, it’s hard to deny the impact Gwyneth Paltrow has had in the world of clean living. From Gwyneth’s super fancy beauty routine to her inspiring drive to be a trailblazer for women, she’s all too wise, and what she had to say about how she’s actively changed how she lives her life is definitely worth listening to.
Gwyneth Paltrow told People,
“When my father was diagnosed, I started frantically throwing things out. I went through a really fanatical phase of being macrobiotic, and obviously it was motivated by pain. I think that was the hardest and most misguided part … was the idea that I had to go all or nothing. But it’s not about that."
She continued, explaining,
“It can be one thing at a time. I just ordered a new standing desk like a complete nerd because there’s so much research now about how carcinogenic sitting is. But, there are so many chemicals in mascara, so maybe it’s buying a clean [formula]. Or, maybe it’s removing fragrant laundry products that are full of chemicals.
You have to remain authentic to yourself and who you are. She said,
“The more true you are to yourself, the more beautiful you are. And I think that goes hand in hand with making small choices. And after [doing that] you start to feel a little bit better and you get more motivated to keep going.
As we enter a new year, we’ll definitely be taking her advice into consideration.