The guy who made “Super Size Me” is now SELLING fast food, and it’s actually for a great cause

Okay, so you remember Super Size Me, the documentary that turned us off McDonalds for life…except not really. Well Uproxx let us know that the man behind the doc, Morgan Spurlock, is opening a fast food restaurant in Columbus Ohio! It makes sense (kinda) because he’s an expert on fast food…right?

It’s going to be a chicken restaurant called Holy Chicken!

And the obvious question is: Why would the guy who warned us all of the dangers of fast food be getting into the fast food business? Seems totally counterintuitive, right? Not when you read this statement from Spurlock:

"Everything about the food is made and backed with integrity and openness including closing the loop in sustainability by raising our own chickens. The food is not only hormone free, its antibiotic free, cage free, free range, farm raised, humanely raised and 100 percent natural!"

Okay, so the idea is fast food that’s actually not terrible for you or the planet. RIGHT ON! We’re on board for this chicken adventure because it seems like they’re trying something different and worthy. And we’ve gotta say, the chicken sandwiches are MAKING OUR MOUTHS WATER.

And if anyone was going to start a new chicken restaurant, it really is this guy.

Wishing Morgan Spurlock all the best as he opens Holy Chicken! On November 19th. It’s not gonna be an easy road, but the fact that he’s raising awareness about free range chicken and organic food in general confirms that it’s a step in the right direction.