Ah! This guy surfed past a shark like it was NBD and the video is totally unbelievable
We can only hope to someday be as calm, collected and brave as this guy who surfed past a shark like it was just another day in the life of a dude riding waves. Maybe it was all those times we watched Jaws, aka, one of the scariest movies ever, but the words “shark encounter” immediately summon images of blood, gore and screams, which was fortunately the complete opposite of what happened when a shark casually swam beneath surfers in Byron Bay, Australia.
In video captured by Derik Broshar of Iowa, several surfers can be seen lingering in the water as a wave approaches. Just as one surfer wades toward the wave, a shark swims directly towards him, narrowly avoiding contact just as he stands up on his board. Luckily, he surfs over the frightening fish, which eventually swam away peacefully.
According to The Northern Star, the mystery surfer in the video is former lifeguard Fajiri Fajiri, who was said to be “a little rattled” after seeing Broshar’s footage of the scary encounter.
OK, so “a little rattled” is probably the hugest understatement of all time, but we’re just relieved to hear that Fajiri and all the other surfers made it back to the shore safely.