This guy got photobombed by an actual whale and it was legendary

We honestly couldn’t imagine how exciting it feels to be on the receiving end of a celebrity photobomb, but we’re going to guess that it would be decidedly less nerve-racking than being photobombed by a whale.
In “yes, this actually happened” news, 24-year-old Australian carpenter Will Rosner recently went on a diving expedition in Tonga where he encountered a pod of humpback whales, one of which was apparently ready for its closeup. In the midst of frolicking in the ocean, he captured what has to be one of the coolest selfies ever as a 15-foot humpback whale loomed in the background of his pic.
The photos Rosner snapped during his six-hour swim sesh with the whales are surreal and paint a decidedly less frightening picture of marine life than the downright terrifying sounds that come from the deep ocean.
Here’s Rosner chillin’ with a whale and her calf like it’s NBD:
TFW a whale lifts you out of the water:
When you’re literally swimming with the fishes:
Aaand this pic is #vacationgoals:
We’re absolutely obsessed with these pics, but they have do have us feeling a teeny bit jealous.