This guy wrote a letter dissing women who wear yoga pants in public and we can’t stop rolling our eyes

A wonderful part of adulting is that everyone gets to make fashion choices that suit them. Sadly, not all grownups want to play fair, like this one guy who wrote a letter to a newspaper editor declaring that women shouldn’t wear yoga pants in public. Um, newsflash dude: We don’t actually GAF. Yoga pants happen to be hella comfy to those of who choose to wear them, which is why we’ll continue to do so wherever and whenever we want, dammit.
Published in The Barrington Times, Alan Sorrentino’s letter is rude AF and reads like some unsolicited advice from a sorely out-of-touch, wannabe Miss Manners:
"Not since the mini-skirt has there been something worn by so many women who should never have it on in the first place.
It gets worse:
"Like the mini-skirt, yoga pants can be adorable on children and young women who have the benefit of nature's blessing of youth. However, on mature, adult women there is something bizarre and disturbing about the appearance they make in public. Maybe it's the unforgiving perspective they provide, inappropriate for general consumption, TMI, or the spector of someone coping poorly with their weight or advancing age that makes yoga pants so weird in public."
Actually, there’s something bizarre and disturbing about grown ass men who feel the need to critique and police what women wear and point out so-called age-related behavioral faux pas.
Ugh, someone needs to take this guy and the bro who wrote a sexist essay shaming women for wearing yoga pants to work and force them to wear yoga pants in public for the rest of eternity (which would probably be too kind of a punishment).
Maybe then, they’ll be more appreciative of the freedom to make their own choices and less preoccupied with forcing their sexist, ageist beliefs onto others who just want to wear their yoga pants in peace.