This guy took a gummies bath, lived out our dreams

Look, we’re not going to be ashamed about this, we’re going to talk openly: there was definitely a time in our lives when we wanted to live in a land full of candy with marshmallow mountains and trees made of Red Vines. We’re not going to say how recently that was, because it’s personal, but seeing this guy take a bath in a tub full of gummy ball-like objects is making us seriously reconsider this whole adult/real life/no baths of gummies thing.
We don’t know the context or the reason behind this bath, and we don’t care. Sometimes art just IS, you know? But look how happy this man is pouring the gummies into the bath.
That is a satisfying amount of gummies, even before they expand like all our dreams coming true and fill the whole tub, including spilling onto the edges. If you’re going to gummy, you’re going to do it all the way.
We particularly love the moment when he smacks the gummy bath a few times, just to test the gumminess, like it’s an expensive mattress he’s considering. Ah yes, that is the correct level of gel-like texture.
Then, of course, the crowning moment: into the bath he goes!
We don’t know if it’s warm, cold, or comfortably jelly-like, but this looks like it’s about as close to living in Candyland as you can possibly manage.We give it two years before high-end spas are offering this for Valentine’s Day.
If you don’t have quite the fortitude to withstand the possibly-suffocating-in-gel feeling of a similar gummy bath, you can still get the essence, thanks to bath and beauty company Lush, who, understanding all our feelings, made a gummy bear bath bomb.
It seems like a good entry level step for future gummy bath domination. In the meantime, check out the full and weirdly satisfying video of this inexplicable bathing ritual below.