5 ways ‘Groundhog Day’ ruined my life
You guys, there’s going to be a Groundhog Day musical coming to Broadway in 2017! The creative team is already in place. Matilda composer-lyricist Tim Minchin is collaborating with book writer Danny Rubin, who co-wrote the “Groundhog Day” screenplay with the late, great Harold Ramis, Variety reports. While it remains to be seen who will play Bill Murray’s Phil (Bill Murray, please?), we strongly believe this news calls for a roundup of why the movie lives on and on (and on) in our hearts.
I don’t remember when I first saw this movie but I do remember always loving Bill Murray AND Andie MacDowell (and Multipicity — also directed by Harold Ramis). Also, can you just soak in how funny it is for these two to be in a rom-com not only together but also just in general?
And since I feel like I’ve referenced my life feeling like Groundhog Day a lot lately, here are five ways Groundhog Day ruined my life:
1. It Puts Focus On a Really Insignificant Holiday
I can’t even determine if I ever KNEW about the holiday Groundhog Day before 1993. I mean, it seems like something you’d talk about in elementary school and draw little groundhogs or something but I have no recollection of knowing this holiday without referencing the movie. My friends even had a Groundhog Day party a few years ago complete with cupcakes decorated like groundhogs and me pretending to BE a groundhog.
2. Convinced Me I Hated the Song “I Got You Babe”
This one I’m actually pretty mad about, Groundhog Day. “I Got You Babe” is SUCH a good pop song (I live for Cher in that fur vest) and for a while I thought it was so annoying just because he had to wake up and hear it until the end of time. ANY song would start bugging you if you had to hear it every time your alarm went off. Duh, Pavlov! Hello!
Anyway, this convinced me I hated the song so much that in 2003, my friends and I made a mixed CD called, “No Squeaky Squeaky (Worth the Wait?)” and the idea was that it was all songs that if they came on when you were making out with someone you’d be like, “WTF are you doing?” and want to leave. (Obviously we put “I Got You Babe” on it).
Obviously then the goal was to make it through the entire CD in a “romantic encounter” without shutting it off.
For posterity here is the track list in its entirety:
Please feel free to compile this as your own because it really is magical.
3. Anxious That Everyone From High School Would Turn Into Ned Ryerson
I mean, right? I saw this movie long before I even entered high school so I just assumed my post-high school life would revolve around running into overly enthusiastic former classmates and having them sell me insurance.
I really have a bone to pick with every movie and TV show about high school reunions in general though. Because all I wanted was a high school reunion to attend with name tags and someone professing their love for retro-me. Duh.
Unfortunately, I didn’t have that opportunity and mostly when I run into people I didn’t know well from high school the conversation is short and fast and not at all terrible (the people who it’d be terrible to see, I avoid, obviously).
I think the 2013 equivalent of this phenomenon though is the Facebook invite or message from someone from your past. I’ve gotten a lot of what my BFF and I refer to as “Facebook Pyramid Scheme Requests” where it’s someone you went to school with telling you about this awesome career opportunity or whatever.
But I’d much prefer a message I can delete to running into Ned Ryerson every day until I finally get to live February 3rd.
Also, try to NOT keep saying, “Am I right or am I right? OramIright?” over and over again.
4. Gave Us All Really Terrible Ideas About What To Do If Put In The Same Situation
When Phil first realizes what’s happening to him he (understandably) goes a little insane and tries to test the waters.
Unfortunately for us, now that we’ve seen this movie we now have all the same terrible ideas if we ever wake up one day and keep reliving it over and over again.
Though, I’ve gotta say, I probably would do a lot of these even though they’re bad ideas. Here are some of the things Phil does when he realizes he’s never escaping this day:
- Eats a lot
- Lets a groundhog drive a car
- Seduces someone just for a night
- Wears a poncho
- Robs a bank
- Get arrested (or, really, not worry about getting arrested)
- Has no concern for his personal safety
I mean, how many amazing consequence-indifferent activities does this list leave out. I’d at least probably try skydiving. (But not bungee jumping, come on, I’m not a maniac).
5. Made Me Nervous About Going to A Bed & Breakfast
Maybe I’m alone in this, but while I enjoy the idea of a bed and breakfast (especially the Potter B&B) I always find them a little…creepy.
I’ve stayed in only a few in my life but especially in Groundhog Day, I always get vaguely concerned that I’m about to get trapped at a bed and breakfast for life. Like everyone’s a little too friendly and you have to share things with strangers and you’re encouraged to talk to strangers and interact with them.
Okay, now I know I sound insane.
But Phil really does get trapped at his bed and breakfast and has seen that episode of Jeopardy so many times and it always just makes me weary of the whole thing!
(Groundhog Day images screengrabbed by me, all other images my own)