Killer group costume ideas that’ll win Halloween

When you mix the two best things in the world (Halloween and friendship, natch and natch) you get the ABSOLUTE BEST THING IN THE WORLD* (drumroll please. . .) GROUP COSTUMES!!! You and your besties come together, pick a group theme, assign roles, and then absolutely KILL IT in any costume contest you enter. Because nothing says, “grand-prize-worthy” than an organized group in fun, perfect themed-attire.

Below, ideas for group costumes that will make your friend group win at Halloween and get ALL the Instagram likes (if, you know, you care about such things).

1. The ladies from Bridesmaids

We all know the poster, with all of our favorite comedy actresses in fuchsia madness. This would be such a rad group costume ESPECIALLY if a girl in your group is actually getting married soon, then she of course would get to bust out the bridal mania and wear the white dress.

2. Mean Girls. . . on Halloween

Yes, yes, you can of course do “Plastics’ Everyday Wear,” and for a SUPER easy costume you can do “On Wednesdays We Wear Pink” but WHY WOULD YOU when you can do HALLOWEEN MEAN GIRLS. Sexy animals and an “Ex-Wife” monster bride, coming right up!

3. Hunger Games Tributes

Just wear wetsuits/workout gear, get OBVIOUSLY FAKE AND PLASTIC weaponry strapped on, and you’re ready to compete in the 74th Annual Hunger Games. Sneak up behind each other and pretend to attack at parties.

4. Monster High characters

I’m embarrassed I even know what this is, but I do, so I’m going to forgive myself and get on with my life. They’re Mattel dolls that are basically the high-school-age daughters of famous monsters (Dracula, Frankenstein’s Monster, the Mummy, Medusa, The Creature From The Black Lagoon, The Phantom Of The Opera, etc.). And they would make spooky-cute Halloween costumes, so you’re welcome.

5. Divergent’s Dauntless crew

This one’s easy. Black head-to-toe, temporary tats on your neck (you can actually get Divergent temporary tats on Amazon), and BOOM, you’re ready to take on the factions.

6. The cast of Pretty Little Liars

This is actually the one show on television I DON’T watch, but I’m like, a member of the human race. I see the posters of the girls in little black dresses with strategically applied mud smears, standing over open graves, shushing you so you don’t tell their pretty little secrets. I know that “Mona” and “A” are also characters of importance, I don’t HAVE to watch the show to know this is an easy and awesome group costume.

7. The Cast of Parks And Recreation

The great thing about a show with hyper-specific characters is that hyper-specific characters make for hyper-specific costumes. Plus, this is your ready-made excuse to end Halloween night at a waffle house asking for extra whip cream and “all the bacon and eggs you have.”

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