Gratitude Changes Everything

There comes a time in every woman’s life when you figure out you have nothing figured out. You then lose it, binge watch an original Netflix series and eat an entire sleeve of Oreos with your roommate. The next morning is when the magic happens. You realize that everything is going to be okay. You choose to stop complaining and start showing gratitude.

Short story: Every Monday night, I set aside one glorious hour to clear my head with some of the best women I know in the most calming space. At the outset of every practice, my yogi (think a vegan Grace Kelly in yoga pants) asks us to set an intention for our practice and typically mine is both random and light. A few Mondays ago, however, I had a lot on my mind and felt myself on the brink of a small meltdown. I decided to set my intention on gratitude, and that made all the difference. I left my practice much like Jimmy Stewart a la the last ten minutes of It’s A Wonderful Life. I was no longer dwelling on the annoyances of the day because I was too busy being thankful for yoga. For my beautiful friends who didn’t care that I laughed through two (okay, three) poses. That I was so much bendier after the class and that I had a car to take me to eat some amazing tex-mex and great conversation. See, that’s the funny thing about gratitude – once you pause and pull yourself together, you realize how much you have to be thankful for in life.

So what if you don’t own your own place yet? You’re only ___ years old and you have plenty of time for all of that white picket fence business. Enjoy being able to call your landlord when anything and everything even looks like it could malfunction. Say thank you with a simple Christmas card or if you’re up for it, bake some tree-shaped cookies to leave with your rent check.

Not in a job that you love or at all want to be in long term? Do something about it. Read Lean In, invest in a great, work appropriate LBD and keep emailing (stalking) until you get the interview. In the mean time, find something to appreciate about your current job and cultivate that amazing work ethic that will ready you for the job of your dreams.

Disappointed with the behavior of an old friend who used to be one of your best friends? Recognize the friendship was seasonal and be grateful for the fun times you shared together. Wish the best for them and let go of any mean girl thoughts. Be thankful for the wonderful people in your life now and be present when you’re with them, i.e. put the phone down every once in a while.

Want Carrie Underwood’s legs and Rihanna’s clothing-optional confidence? Take advantage of your gym membership this week and go easy on the carbs. Be thankful for those skinny jeans that make you look like you’ve worked out all month.

Wish you were dating a nice guy? Break up with the dope you keep trudging through cryptic texts with and work on the amazing YOU a nice guy will treat well. Be thankful you haven’t settled with the wrong guy and look forward to the next time you get first date butterflies.

To sum it all up? Gratitude changes everything. Stop the complaining and start counting your many blessings. It’s high time we take time to show gratitude and get after It, whatever It is. Tis’ the season!

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