Luhu the cat is so gloomy looking we’re involuntarily crying
Step aside, Grumpy Cat. There’s a new feline Internet star in town. Her name is Luhu, but we’ve dubbed her Gloomy Cat. Because you guys, she might be the most adorable sad looking creature we’ve ever seen.
Luhu lives in Beijing with her kitty siblings, Barher and Bardie, who are also completely adorable, although not quite so intense looking. The trio belongs to their amazing owner Maggie Liu who, lucky for us (!), faithfully documents Luhu’s melancholy existence on Instagram. If you think you can handle the adorable sadness, go follow her @lanlan731. While we have no doubt that Luhu lives a magical cat life filled with happy things, her eyes are just so soulful! Every move she makes looks like the moment before full-on waterworks.
Caution: Viewing these images may cause you to burst into spontaneous tears. We’re talking full-on cuteness-induced sobs. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.
Are you crying yet? Nope? Then set your eyeballs on this . . . *sobs*
Is it just me, or does Luhu look a crazy amount like a certain movie star? Why do I suspect Luhu sounds like Antonio Banderas?
Seriously, Luhu. Why so glum?
Maybe this haircut made her sad. You know how it is when the hairdresser completely ignores what you ask for. (I hate it when that happens. So does Luhu apparently.)
Seriously, though. Her back looks like a silver velvet pillow here. I want to pet Luhu in a really big way.
Nope, it wasn’t the haircut. She was already looking sad as a little bitty kitty.
This is Luhu looking out the window.
This is Luhu playing with her cat friends.
This is Luhu cuddling on a soft pink blanket.
This is Luhu hanging out in her cat tree.
Not getting to sit on the sofa makes her sad. (OK, this one’s legit. That makes me sad, too.)
Getting her belly rubbed makes her sad.
This is Luhu at breakfast time.
Luhu looks like she has centuries of knowledge behind those eyes. She’s seen so much.
BRB. Crying my eyes out.
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[All images via Instagram.]