“Glamour’s” February 2017 issue is 100% produced by women, and we say YAASSS
In 2017, Glamour is going full girl power, and we are so here for that. Glamour announced today that their February issue was 100% produced by women, and we love that. The upcoming Glamour features Lena Dunham and the cast of Girls on the cover in its celebration of all things women, and we think that’s amazing. The cover story will be an exit interview with the four leading ladies as we all prepare to say goodbye to the HBO show. We can’t wait to check out Glamour’s all female issue when it hits stands.
Lena Dunham recently shared the February Glamour cover of her and her cast mates, and they look totally badass.
She wrote, "Mega proud to be sharing the cover of this all women-produced issue of @glamourmag with my sisters, interviewed by my wife @jennikonner. Photo by @emmasummerton. Clothing by Marc Jacobs. Sooo don't give a fuck looks by us. But we DO give a fuck. Such a big one ❤️"
First of all, we absolutely LOVE those sky-high sparkly platforms that these ladies all wore. And even more, we love Lena’s positive message. And of course, we love Glamour for making work done by women such a priority. According to the cover, February’s issue will feature the cast of Girls and “50 other female forces on owning your look, your body, your happiness, your future.” That sounds like an issue that we will need to read ASAP.
Lena and her ladies clearly had a blast on the fashionable slumber party themed shoot.
We would totally love to snuggle up and gossip with those gals anytime. And in another Instagram post, Lena thanks Glamour for not photoshopping away her flaws on the cover. She said, “Thank you to the women in Hollywood (and on Instagram!) leading the way, inspiring and normalizing the female form in EVERY form, and thank you to @glamourmag for letting my cellulite do the damn thing on news stands everywhere today.” That is the kind of strong female empowerment we need right now. And BTW, Lena looks totally fabulous on the cover. No Photoshop needed.
Glamour, we totally appreciate you for showing us some sweet, sweet girl power to start off 2017.
We feel inspired already, and we haven’t even read the issue!