GISHWHES is Totally Abnosome

I’ve done some crazy things in my life. I might be in the midst of the craziest of them though. You see, dear reader, I am currently neck-deep in GISHWHES.

For the uninitiated/uninformed, GISHWHES is the Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen.

It’s kind of a big deal.

When I say it’s big, I mean it’s big. My team if made up of people from all over the world. I have never met a single one of them in real life (IRL), and I already consider them friends. We’re having a lot of fun.

Now, I cannot tell you specifics of what we’re doing, but I have asked friends in my real life to help me do some truly bizarre and crazy things this week. It’s been really great. I have seen people get more creative in the last seven days than I have in the last few years. I’ve learned odd and interesting things about the world.

This morning, I spray painted something. Did you know that spray paint nozzles have completely and totally changed since I was a kid? Because they have. I was all worried. I laid out many a layer of newsprint on the sidewalk. I put on a t-shirt I needed destroyed for another task. I was fully prepared to be covered in paint by the end of my task.

Guys, spray paint cans no longer go all over the place. It was crazy. I barely got paint on anything. I had to actually go back and spray paint myself to do the destroying. Even the aspirated paint doesn’t spread far. I was a little disappointed. I was looking forward to getting a little messy this morning. I stayed remarkably clean.

All of this was done in the service of GISHWHES. If you’re unfamiliar with this crazy insane and super fun event, you should look it up. The website describes the event as such:

…a 3-time Guinness World Record breaking scavenger hunt hosted by actor Misha Collins. It is comprised of a global community of thousands of individuals (94 countries and growing!) that “gather” for a week online once a year, form international teams, and then go out into the real world and create “art” the likes of which the world has never seen.

I have had so much fun doing it this week that I’m already looking forward to next year. I can’t imagine the heartwarming and completely out there things I might be asked to do in a new list. I get the idea that the list-writer probably sits at his computer cackling to himself about the things he’s asking his minions to do. It’s pretty fun, and I kind of hope it goes on forever.

Check it out and sign up next year. Because dear god is it fun. You might even say it’s abnosome.

Feature Image via GISHWHES