We are all about this campaign to raise money for girls who code

There have been a lot of totally crazy funds on Indiegogo. (Like the time the guys behind the cult classic Super Troopers raised over $4.5 million to fund Super Troopers 2 next year. Yep, that happened.)

But often, there are funds that just make us nod fervently in appreciation and pull out our wallets. Take, for example, Ladies Learning Code, the non-profit organization that aims to be the leading resource for women and youth to become passionate builders of technology. LLC has started the most rad Indiegogo ever in support of their latest initiative, the code:mobile, which aims to educate Canadian youth all across the country by teaching them how to code. YAAAS.

“Think: a travelling computer lab on wheels that will make a cross-Canada journey in 2016 teaching 10,000+ kids to code along the way,” the team writes on their website.

That’s right: from May to September 2016, the team wants to visit at least 20 cities across Canada, traveling 35,000 kilometers to teach over 10,000 kids next summer. “We’ll visit large and small communities, in privileged and underprivileged communities alike, stopping by at local parks, community centres, Summer Camps, street festivals, aboriginal reserves, hospitals and anywhere else we can park the truck and pop-up our lab,” the team writes on the Indiegogo page.

Coding may seem like a strange skill for kids to have, but think about it this way: technology is everywhere, growing stronger and stronger by the day, and the more kids know about it and can utilize it, the more they’ll be able to thrive in today’s society. “Coding helps kids develop new ways of thinking and foster problem-solving techniques thatgives kids a competitive advantage when applying to colleges, internships or jobs – they are valuable skills that are in high demand,” writes the team on the Indiegogo. “. . . Coding can help change the world empower kids to use technology as a creative tool to build solutions for problems or challenges people face everyday.” Honestly, it’s like learning a new language!

But not only does the team want to teach kids about coding. In fact, they have multiple big end games, including empowerment and confidence. They will also be creating resource packages to leave at every destination they teach. “Through hands-on team-based exercises kids will feel a part of a resourceful group who are all curious about technology, and find learning about it both intriguing and rewarding,” reads the Indiegogo.

We could not be more behind this cause. It’s so important not only to teach kids about coding and technology, but to encourage girls to enter the tech world and, by extension, making it a safer place for women altogether. Microsoft has already supported the initiative, but they have a long way to go. So far, the team has raised over $12,000, but their goal is $50,000. If they reach their stretch goal of $75,000, they’ll keep the truck going until fall 2016; $100,000, they’ll either extend the trip, do another trip, or buy another truck. If you want to help the code:mobile with their totally rad cause, you can go here and donate (and win some great rewards for doing so!).

Oh, and for more information, check out the SUPER cute video the team created. You go, LLC! Thanks for working so hard for such an essential cause. You’re fighting the good fight.

Women in technology: Where my girls at?

This 11-year-old is doing everything she can to teach girls coding

(Image via YouTube, Twitter.)