The cast of “Girls” dedicated a powerful PSA about sexual assault to the Stanford survivor
Earlier today, the female stars of Girls released a video PSA about the sexual assault, which creator Lena Dunham posted on Twitter and dedicated to the survivor in the recent Stanford sexual assault case. false
Lena, Allison Williams, Zosia Mamet, and Jemima Kirke all in the video which starts off lighthearted (talking about their disagreements when it comes to washing their hair) before going on to reveal some pretty harrowing statistics about sexual violence against women.
In addition to these numbers, the actresses explain that one in four girls will be sexually abused before the age of 18. This is pretty sobering stuff, which is why we need to pay attention.
The actresses encourage society to shed its skepticism of those who come forward about sexual assault. Instead, what if we helped them? Not because they could be our mother, sister, cousin, etc, but because it’s the right thing to do?
That’s the main point of the video: survivors are people, and their lives are worth just as much as everyone else’s. This is happening and it’s real, and we need to pay attention.
We love this group of inspiring women, and that they’re using their voices for such a difficult but important topic. One day, we hope these PSAs won’t be necessary, but for now, we’re glad we have women like the cast of Girls around to make them.