We’ve got some bummer news about Girl Scout cookies
Even though we’re halfway through autumn, we’re already thinking about that glorious time of year (no, not the holidays, even though they’re pretty great, too): GIRL SCOUT COOKIE SEASON. A time when eating several sleeves of Thin Mints is inevitable, and buying five boxes of Caramel deLites is just something you’ve gotta do. We’re already drooling.
BUT, not to ruin your lives or anything, we’ve got a little bit of bad news about the cookies we love so dearly. So, this year, people in certain parts of the U.S. can expect a little price increase from your Girl Scout cookie dealer. CNBC reports that the Girl Scouts are raising their prices to $5 a box.
“The No. 1 factor was us hearing feedback from adult volunteers that girls had such a great experience selling cookies, but they weren’t earning enough money from them,” Jan Goldstein, chief marketing officer at Girls Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts, told CNBC.
This marks the Girl Scouts’ first price hike on their delicious, wonderful cookies in eight years and, for goodness sake, it is only a dollar. What does this mean for the troops of the actual Girl Scouts selling the cookies? They’ll make 90 cents a box instead of 62 cents in Goldstein’s council. And that’s huge, since cookie sales are the cornerstone of the yearly fundraising for most troops. It supports all the trips, programs and outings they’ll take for the year.
On their website, the Girl Scouts of America explain, “Each of the 112 Girl Scout councils sets its own price, based on its needs and its knowledge of the local market. Today’s prices reflect both the current cost of cookies and the realities of providing Girl Scout activities in an ever-changing economic environment.”
If the price increase is coming to your area, you have to accept that a nice, frozen box of Thin Mints is worth every penny of your $5. It truly is.
(Image via iStock)