Gina Rodriguez just gave the perfect response to people questioning her sexuality

Gina Rodriguez took to Twitter yesterday for a Q&A with her fans. She answered lots of questions about Jane the Virgin, what book she’s currently reading and what it’s like to work with a female dominated staff.

But one question in particular elicited a virtual standing ovation from fans (and us). When a fan asked, “Do you identify as straight?,” Rodriguez gave the perfect response.

“I don’t need anyone to define their sexuality to me nor do I feel the need to either,” she wrote. “I love hearts. Period.” false

Yes! Such a beautiful way to say it. She followed her answer up by responding to this question: “How do you stay positive and happy?”

Rodriguez wrote, “As far as I know I get one life. I’m going to live it. No time for negativity. No space for hatred. All love.” false

Her fans were completely on board with her answer and responded in the most loving way. false false false

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