Amy Sherman-Palladino just said some HARSH things about Team Dean and Team Jess on “Gilmore Girls”

When Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life kicks off on Netflix, it appears as if ~someone~ out there won’t be rooting for Team Dean. Or Team Jess. Or any team, actually (so yeah, that includes Logan, too). In a brand new-interview with Time, Gilmore Girls showrunner Amy Sherman-Palladino just dropped some harsh truth bombs about Rory’s first boyfriends, and we are NOT okay about them whatsoever.

[whispers] Team Jess forever!

But hear ASP out: She just wishes we would stop spending so much time focused on who Rory should end up with, when we should really be focused on figuring out if Rory has been awarded a Pulitzer Prize yet.

“[Her boyfriends are] small part of who Rory is,” ASP explained. “Rory didn’t spend her days thinking, ‘Who am I going to end up with?’ Rory was much more concerned about ‘How do I get that interview at the New York Times?’”

ASP then continued that, in her mind, neither Dean nor Jess was ever going to be Rory’s love-life endgame, if only because that’s not what they were there for. They were there to help Rory grow and evolve, not settle down and start a family of little ones.

“Sometimes I wish that the Dean and Jess thing weren’t so prominent because in the grand scheme of Rory’s life, who her boyfriend was when she was 16 years old is such a small event. She picked certain boys for her depending on who she was at that moment. It was part of her character. It was part of her development that Dean was her first boyfriend, that Jess was the boy that diverted her attention.”

This actually makes sense, and ASP speaks the truth. Gilmore Girls was never about who Rory was going to choose — whether Dean, Jess, or Logan — but somehow, that always winds up being the focal point of Gilmore Girls conversations. ASP would rather us discuss, “What newspaper is Rory’s working for? Did she win a Pulitzer yet?”

“It’s all about Dean and Jess. Dean was 16-years-old when they dated. Everybody should go back and think about their boyfriend at 16 and then reevaluate whether that should be the focus of the conversation.”

GOOD POINT, ASP. Think back to your significant other at age 16, and then think about a Netflix revival about your life. Honestly, do you want your 16-year old squeeze showing up for four episodes? Didn’t think so.

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