This online dating app just made “ghosting” impossible

So many of us have been a victim of “ghosting” — that is, when the person we’ve been dating, or even just texting, suddenly drops off the face of the Earth for no reason. (Well, they probably haven’t dropped off the planet, but that’s an easier digestible thought than them suddenly refusing to talk to you with zero closure.)
However, Bumble, the “feminist Tinder” that has taken the online dating world by storm, won’t stand for any of that nonsense on their platform, and they’re taking a stand against ghosting by adding a new restriction. That’s right: If you don’t message within 24 hours, you’ll be unmatched.
As many who know Bumble are aware, when a chat expires, it’s gone — there’s no turning back, because it won’t reappear.
“Every chat that is started now requires a reply within the following 24 hours, or that chat expires. No ghosting allowed!” reads the app update, according to the UK’s Telegraph.
Presumably, the app is hoping that this extra incentive will keep people from dragging their feet on responding (which can sometimes lead to “accidental” ghosting), encourage conversation, and perhaps ease hurt feelings (it’s a lot nicer to think that someone just didn’t have time to message within 24 hours than thinking they never want to talk to you again).
Bumble also rolled out a “Bumble BFF” feature, which allows you to look for friends in your area. Because let’s be real, making friends after graduating school can be really hard, and you know what they say — you can never have too many friends. “We helped you find love, now it’s time to find a bestie,” the company said in a video promoting the feature.
Will Bumble’s newest change prevent ghosting, once and for all? Jury’s still out on that one, but we’re crossing our fingers.