If you live in one of these 17 cities, you can get a free Shake Shack burger on Monday

Do you know what Monday, September 18th is? National Cheeseburger Day! Yup, it’s a thing — a very good thing — and if you live in one of these 17 cities, you can get a free Shake Shack burger on Monday. Count. Us. In!

For the burger day extraordinaire, Shake Shack is teaming up with DoorDash, aka the food app we use way too much, to get free sammies into the hands of hungry Americans. So if you’re in one of the below locations, you’ll get a free burger between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. when you order through DoorDash and use the promo code SHACK at checkout.

Too easy, right? And, come on — who doesn’t love Shake Shack burgers?!

Of course, we’d love several!

And we can eat them everywhere and anywhere. At Shake Shack…

…at work…

…at the park…

…at the beach…

…or even while waiting for a cab.

#ShakeShackGoals, amirite?!

And might as well throw in some fries and milkshakes while we’re at it!

To get your free burger on Monday, here’s a list of the 17 participating cities.

Atlanta, GA

Austin, TX

Boston, MA

Bridgewater, NJ

Brooklyn, NY

Chicago, IL

Dallas, TX

Washington, D.C.

Houston, TX

L.A., CA

Las Vegas, NV

Long Island, NY

Manhattan, NY

Phoenix, AZ

Paramus, NJ

Queens, NY

Scottsdale, AZ

Okay, we don’t know about you, but we’re counting down the hours till Monday at 11 a.m. Meanwhile, we’ll just keep salivating over the pictures above.