General Mills created a new cereal for the first time in *15 years*

One of our favorite aisles in the grocery store is, without a single doubt, the cereal aisle. Every time we push our shopping carts down this corridor of colorful boxes, we can’t help but think of all the cereals that are a huge part of our memories. Yet, while we’re reminiscing, we don’t often think about how long these cereal brands have been around. (And some have been around for a LONG time.) That’s why we’re shocked to hear that General Mills just released a new cereal for the first time in 15 YEARS.
The new product line is called Tiny Toast and it’s exactly what it sounds like: Toast – that’s tiny. “The toast is tiny. The flavor is big,” writes General Mills, to describe their contemporary creation. “Crunchy toast covered with delicious real fruit. All in miniature. Yet Tiny Toast has a large pop of fruity aroma that you miss with other fruit cereals. A uniquely irresistible taste, by the spoonful with milk or by the handful out of the box.” What’s perhaps the best part is that the cereal contains no artificial flavors or colors.
On the General Mills’ blog, product developer Mike Evenson wrote that many consumers are finding that both the Strawberry and Blueberry flavors taste real. In fact, some have said that the Blueberry Tiny Toast tastes like a blueberry muffin. A blueberry muffin and cereal combined? Yes, please!
Aside from sounding like a delicious morning treat, Tiny Toast looks absolutely adorable. If someone took pieces of toast, used a shrink ray on them, and then splashed tiny bits of fruit on them, then you’d have this brand new cereal. When we think of it that way, we can’t help but be excited to give Tiny Toast a try.