A gay couple was kicked out of an Uber at 4 a.m. for kissing
After sharing “a quick peck,” a newly-engaged Houston couple was kicked out of an Uber and left in an unsafe neighborhood at 4 a.m.
As reported by local news outlet KPRC Click2Houston, Randall Magill, 28, and Jose Chavez, 26, were celebrating their recent engagement at a friend’s home Saturday evening. In an interview with the news outlet, they explained that they took an Uber home at the end of the night because they had been drinking – or at least they tried to take an Uber home.
While in the car, the couple leaned across the aisle of the minivan to share a quick kiss, and the driver promptly asked them to get out. The couple remained calm when they were told to leave, despite being upset.
"When he told us [we had to get out], we were kind of like, OK...We didn't want to fight back. We said, 'OK fine," Chavez said in the video. “I was upset. I’ve never been told not to kiss or anything, with my partner.
“I wasn’t doing anything that I wouldn’t do in public. I’m not going to embarrass myself or my fiancé,” added Magill. “I’ve never heard of anybody being asked to stop kissing anywhere, especially when you’re just peck-peck on the lips.”
After telling the couple they had to leave the car, the driver reportedly pulled off the freeway. His location of choice? A neighborhood that KPRC says is “pretty deserted, especially around 4:00 in the morning.” Chavez and Magill said they then called another Uber to get home – but not before having to walk under the interstate bridge and across the freeway.
“I’ve never had a bad experience with Uber…I’ll never use them again,” said Magill. “I was super disappointed.”
This is not the first time Uber has been under fire for mistreating passengers. The app was banned in New Delhi after a driver allegedly raped a passenger. An Uber driver was also called out for fat-shaming model Tess Holliday, who recorded him speaking. One Boston Uber driver is trying to combat this with his women-only ride-sharing service, Chariot for Women, which aims to create a safer experience for both passengers and drivers.
Discrimination is never acceptable, and hopefully Uber will hold this driver accountable for disrespecting his passengers and jeopardizing their safety. We’re glad Chavez and Magill are okay, and that they are bringing attention to what happened.