Gay bars are boycotting this popular beer brand because its owner came out as pro-Trump

The election drama continues! This week, popular beer brand Yuengling backed Trump — and people are not happy. As a result of Yuengling endorsing Trump, many gay bars are no longer serving Yuengling. After the endorsement, Rep. Brian Sims, Pennsylvania’s first openly gay state legislator, wrote a Facebook post in which he called on gay-owned businesses to stop support of Yuengling.

Sims explained,

“One of the most prevalent brands in the gayborhood and in LGBT bars across the Commonwealth, is using our own dollars to back a person and an ideology that says that our lives … matter less."

And it’s not just about Trump’s stance on gay rights. Sims explained that not supporting Trump also crosses over into the protection of other marginalized groups, like women and people of color.

“More to the point, those dollars are being used right now to give power to his bigoted messages attacking our black and brown neighbors and all of the women in our lives.

At the end of the day, money is one major way to influence the political stances of brands. Sims continued,

“Our communities know a thing or two about voting with our dollars, and I won't be using my hard-earned dollars to give power to any company or person who hates me. What about you?"

What a time to be alive, friends.