This is the best TV show in the last 20 years, according to a Rotten Tomatoes survey

The race for the Iron Throne and, more importantly (according to Jon Snow), the Great War — isn’t over yet, but Game of Thrones just won something major.

According to a new Rotten Tomatoes survey, users have dubbed the HBO hit series the best show of the last 20 years — and the competition was pretty stiff.

Game of Thrones received 11 percent of the total vote, edging out its nearest competitor, Breaking Bad, which came in second by roughly four percent. Not gonna lie, we’re not exactly surprised by this, considering GoT is a worldwide phenomenon, but it beat out some particularly incredible shows to take the top prize.

Joining the Mother of Dragons and Walter White among the top shows were expected picks like The West Wing and Seinfeld, while The Big Bang Theory and Downton Abbey were, perhaps, a bit more surprising. The top 10 shows also ranged from series that began airing *more* than 20 years ago, including FriendsLaw & Order, and Seinfeld, to shows that are still on the air like The Big Bang Theory, Game of Thrones, and Doctor Who.

Here are the top ten shows of the last 20 years, as decided by Rotten Tomatoes users:

1.Game of Thrones

2. Breaking Bad

3. The Big Bang Theory

4. Friends

5. Seinfeld

6. Law & Order

7. Downton Abbey

8. The West Wing

9. Doctor Who

10. Buffy the Vampire Slayer

It’s okay if you don’t find your favorite in the top 10 — of course, we all have our own top TV lists — because Rotten Tomatoes used their user surveys to determine the top 40 shows of the last 20 years.

Check out the full list here and prepare to binge.

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