Tyrion is in love with Dany during “Game of Thrones” Season 7, and yes, we just put a hand over our hearts

Move over Jorah Mormont, a new Hand of the Queen has fallen in love with Daenerys TargaryenGame of Thrones flies back into our lives — via HBO, not dragons, unfortunately — in less than a week, and to hype us up (even more than we already are) Peter Dinklage just revealed to TV Guide that Tyrion Lannister is in love with Dany.

"We'll deal with how much Daenerys can trust him [to stay on her side against the Lannisters]," Dinklage said of the upcoming season. "But he's smitten with his employer. How good can he be at his job while having those feelings?"

The youngest Lannister sibling is just the latest in a long line of advisors looking to steal the heart of the Mother of Dragons, joining the dashing Daario Naharis, Ser Jorah, and literally everybody else.

The meeting of these two fan favorites was set in motion at the end of Season 4 after Tyrion killed his father Tywin and fled Westeros. After being teased for most of Season 5, we finally saw Dany and Tyrion meet in Meereen, and one of the greatest partnerships in all of the free cities was born.

While we’re totally charmed by the idea of a Tyrion/Dany super-pairing, they might be better off as friends. Because now that the two — joined by Varys, Missandei, Grey Worm, and the rest of the unsullied army — are heading to Westeros, Dany’s quest for the Iron Throne is truly beginning, and she kind of doesn’t have time for romance. That being said, if Dany does sit on the Iron Throne, we think Tyrion will make a hell of a Hand — or will at least probably escape the fate of so many Hands before him.

We’ll see if Tyrion ever professes his love for Dany when Game of Thrones returns on Sunday.

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