You can buy “Game of Thrones” stuffed direwolves at Comic-Con, and they are THE cutest

Know what your life needs right now? A direwolf, obviously. However, seeing as how they’re in really short supply right now (cries forever), getting your hands on a pup might be harder than it looks. So how about instead, you buy a whole collection of stuffed direwolves??

Good idea, or BEST IDEA?


With this year’s Comic-Con right around the corner, details are spilling out as to what goodies you’ll find down in San Diego this year. Factory Entertainment has just revealed some of their OMG products for this year’s line-up, and our favorite product is by far the collection of direvolves. ALL SIX OF THEM! FOR ALL SIX STARK CHILDREN!

The Stark direwolves come in three sets, priced depending on how many direwolves you’re getting for your dollar. The first set is $30, and includes Shaggydog, Summer, and Lady. Set two is $40 and now includes GHOST! The last set, and the best set, has all six dogs for a steal at $55. You’ll get Rickon’s Shaggydog, Bran’s Summer, Sansa’s Lady, and now also Arya’s Nymeria, Robb’s Grey Wind, and of course, Jon’s Ghost.


Let’s be real, we need them all. Half because they’re adorable, half because we’re running out of things to cuddle and cry with when Game of Thrones wrecks our hearts.

You can go ahead and pre-order the direwolves right now, and either pick them up at Comic-Con (if you’re lucky enough to be attending) or they’ll be shipped to you after the con ends, on July 24th. It’ll be the best purchase you make this week, PROMISE. You were meant to have them.

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