All the other HBO shows can’t help but poke fun at the latest promo for “Game of Thrones” Season 7

While it’s *technically* summer, Game of Thrones has decided that winter is here — releasing a new trailer for the upcoming seventh season as well as a dozen new character posters.

The posters were unveiled in a frustrating, yet exciting game in which users had to tweet #WinterIsHere in order to unlock a poster one by one. (Personally, I got as far as my first poster — the gorgeous King in the North, Jon Snow — before abandoning the journey in favor of a quick Twitter search.)

GoT fans weren’t the only ones to get in on the action. HBO decided to show how excited they are that winter is here that they got their shows involved, ranging from current hits like Insecure and Ballers to classics like The Sopranos and Sex and the City. 

The official HBO twitter handle first released this #WinterIsHere promo featuring a compilation of winter clips from some of its shows.

Naturally, the premium cable channel decided to commit to the gag, creating banners and videos for many of their shows:

One thing’s clear: it seems that EVERYONE — including Larry David and Carrie Bradshaw — will be tuning into the Game of Thrones Season 7 premiere on July 16th.

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