Prepare your hearts for some SERIOUS ‘Game of Thrones’ spoilers

I feel like this upcoming season of Game of Thrones has already messed with my heart too much, and it hasn’t even finished filming. While the cast and crew have been tight-lipped about any upcoming spoilers in the sixth season of the George R.R. Martin adaptation, that doesn’t stop eager fans from spying on the filming and bring back some pretty juicy news. The latest? There’s a battle at Saintfield, and Sansa Stark and Jon Snow are believed to be a part of it, according to no joke GOT fansite Watchers On The Wall.

Jon Snow’s death, or possible lack thereof, has been a hot topic for fans of the show since his alleged murder by the Knight’s Watch. Kit Harington, who plays the iconic character, dropped the hint that he would still be a part of the show well into his thirties. So is all not what it seemed in that epic finale? Knowing Game of Thrones, probably not.

So what exactly is this battle? The latest theory is that it’s the “battle of the bastards,” with Jon Snow going up against the always-terrifying Ramsay Bolton. In fact, Ramsey was seen on set proudly displaying two bodies on X-crosses, the sigil of the Boltons. What’s worse? The bodies are apparently well-known characters. Uh oh.

The appearance of Sansa is also perking up some otherwise dormant fans. Does this mean the one to finally rescue Sansa could be Jon Snow? That would be a satisfying resolution.

But if there’s one thing we’ve learned, it’s that anything we expect to happen in this series will be turned on its head, with characters, deaths, and revelations coming out of nowhere. This battle promises to be an epic one, and will possibly be the most exciting scene in the entire season. Is it April 2016 yet?

(Image via HBO)

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