This “Game of Thrones” character looks a lot like Batman, and Twitter has feelings about it

There are spoilers ahead for the latest episode of Game of Thrones, “Eastwatch.”However, if you’ve been on the internet in the last 12 hours — whether you’ve seen the episode or not — you know what happens. Sorry.

But hey, now we can all celebrate the return of Gendry together!

After being MIA in Westeros since Season 3, the bastard son of Robert Baratheon showed back up…in King’s Landing. It’s as if he never left. We last saw the blacksmith rowing away in a boat (even though he didn’t know how to row…or to swim), and he’s been missing ever since. For all we knew, he was still rowing (and Joe Dempsie often joked that Gendry was “still rowing.”) But, it’s clear that he found land eventually, and the possible heir to the Iron Throne returned to what he knows best: Metalworking. He’s also got a brand new haircut, which is almost a buzz cut. When he turned around for the first time during “Eastwatch” one thought crossed my mind:

Is that Christian Bale?

Season 7 Gendry looks a whole lot like The Dark night. Next thing you know, Gendry’s going to start brooding and spending lots of time down in the Batcave (for right now, we’ll settle for the dragonglass cave on Dragonstone).


As for the Batman comparison, Twitter agrees. false false false

Can’t wait to see what Arya thinks of this older, more clean cut Gendry. (That is, if he survives his trip beyond the Wall.)

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