The finale season of “Game of Thrones” will have *half* the episodes of a regular season

Did Cersei work her magic because this is just evil?! It’s just been confirmed that the eighth and final season of Game of Thrones is going to be only six episodes. That’s half of the usual! Is that because everyone will be dead by then?! And maybe once Arya and Sansa are the only ones left we’ll need less episodes to watch them rule over their kingdom? (But actually, in this case we’d want MORE episodes.)
Who knows what is going on anymore, but less Game of Thrones is VERY UPSETTING.
Season 7 of Game of Thrones will hit our TV screens this summer (SO SOON) with seven episodes. That’s already a difficult pill to swallow, since we’ve been getting so many more each season.
But now, HBO has announced that Season 8 will only be six episodes, meaning that we only have 13 episodes of Game of Thrones left — EVER. These last 13 episodes will bring the final episode total to 73, which is an amazing number of episodes to be able to re-watch when you’re missing the Starks.
But wait, apparently, HBO is talking to a few different writers about potential Game of Thrones prequel ideas. There’s no guarantee and it totally wouldn’t be the same, but we’ll take what we can get at this point! Plus, you could always jump into the books. That will take a while but it’d probably feel like a whole new world opening up.
In the meantime, cherish what we have and re-watch this Season 7 trailer on repeat:
We’re already missing Game of Thrones from our lives, but there’s still 13 awesome-filled episodes to go. Winter (aka the time of no new episodes) is still coming.