9 Facebook reactions only “Game of Thrones” fans will appreciate

You’re probably familiar with Facebook’s reactions, right?


But what if Facebook reactions existed in the world of Game of Thrones? Well, they’d probably look a little something like this…1. The “you’ve officially been friendzoned” reaction.


Suggested use: When that certain ~someone~ keeps trying way too hard to get back in your favor, but you’ve totally moved on. Also, you just want to shout, “IT’LL NEVER HAPPEN!”


Suggested use: When someone at work  is causing “problems” and you totally get peer-pressured into ganging up on them.


Suggested use: Hodor, Hodor, Hodor, Hodor, Hodor, Hodor.


Suggested use: When you officially become the most deplorable father in the Seven Kingdoms ever.


Suggested use: When you realize you probably shouldn’t have attended the wedding of the person you were previously engaged to and whose father you tooootally pissed off.


Suggested use: When you want to remind the world that everyone in your family acts like an asshole because you’re rich enough to pay for problems to just go away.


Suggested use: When you’re constantly defending the lives of hot royal dudes, secretly falling in love with them, and then realizing the feeling is not mutual. BOOOOO.


Suggested use: When you immediately regret the decision you just made.


Suggested use: Pretty self-explanatory, really.

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