This ‘Game of Thrones’ casting rumor just got shot down

Warning: Game of Thrones Spoilers ahead.

It’s been a while since we last checked in with what’s going on in Westeros. Yup, Jon Snow is still (MAYBE?) dead, so not much has changed. The brand new season of Game of Thrones is currently filming right now in different parts of the world, and though no one knows if we’ll ever see Jon Snow back in action, a lot of new actors have joined the show’s ever-expanding cast. However, we can go ahead and cross at least one rumored name off the list, because this casting rumor is unfortunately not true.

Game of Thrones has finally caught up to George R. R. Martin’s books, so anything could happen this next season and any brand new character could be introduced. Last week, it was announced that Indian actor Neil Nitin Mukesh had been cast in an unknown role. He was super excited about it, as anyone cast in Game of Thrones should be, but explained to dna India that, “Nothing is confirmed so far. All I can do is keep my fingers crossed. Though Game of Thrones is one of my favorite series.”

Well. It can still be his favorite series, but it doesn’t look like he’s going to make any sort appearance on it. The Game of Thrones fan site, Watchers on the Wall, reached out to HBO to confirm or deny this, and HBO went with the latter. The network explained that Mukesh hadn’t been cast, and wasn’t even offered a part in the first place. Oh boy.

That rumor was fun while it lasted, at least. Nothing says that Mukesh couldn’t join the show later on down the road, but for Season 6 he’s not going to show up. One GoT rumor down, a hundred more to figure out.

(Image via HBO.)

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