Here’s how Gal Gadot hid her pregnancy when she was filming “Wonder Woman”

Have you seen Wonder Woman yet? If not, what are you waiting for? It’s full of women kicking some serious butt, and Gal Gadot’s turn as the titular character is star-making. It’s even more impressive when you learn that Gal Gadot was pregnant during filming. Apparently, she hid her pregnancy as long as she could, fearing people’s reactions or special treatment. But as everyone knows, there comes a point when a baby bump just needs to make its presence known.

Gadot told Marie Claire that she didn’t want to cause a fuss over her pregnancy. When she was shooting her first scenes in Batman V. Superman, she didn’t even tell anyone she was pregnant.

"I gutted it out. I started to come to set with sunglasses," she said.

Sounds smart. But that wasn’t all she did.

"I had this jug of water with huge pieces of ginger. One of the producers kept on asking, 'Why are you drinking that potato water?' They thought I'd gone Hollywood."

Somehow, she managed morning sickness discreetly, and even battled migraines while filming scenes.


Then, while filming Wonder Woman, Gal’s pregnancy became impossible to hide.

So how did the crew eventually handle Gadot’s pregnancy reveal? The solution the team came up with is elegant and ridiculous all at once: They cut a hole in her costumes and outfitted her belly in a green material.

Yep, that’s right. A baby bump green screen, portable and easy to cover up in the final product.

Gadot took it all in stride.

 "On close-up I looked very much like Wonder Woman. On wide shots I looked very funny, like Wonder Woman pregnant with Kermit the Frog."

We can only imagine those behind-the-scenes photos! Maybe we’ll get a glimpse in the inevitable collector’s edition.

By all accounts, the actress is just as tough as the character she plays. Working hard is one thing; working hard while carrying a new life along with you is a whole different challenge. We’re glad Gal Gadot was up to the task!

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