Please watch this footage of Gal Gadot trying a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup for the first time ever

If you’re in your 30s, you’d probably assume your friends would have already recognized the wonderful combo of chocolate and peanut butter. But 32-year-old Gal Gadot tried her first Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup just the other day, and we almost can’t believe she’s never given them a try.

Gadot will be hosting Saturday Night Live this weekend, so between that and the peanut butter snack, we’re sure this is going to be a memorable week for her. The actress, who just moved to the United States with her daughter last year, gave the popular candy a shot on The Tonight Show. Host Jimmy Fallon was extremely excited to be present for the monumental moment.

"I feel like Willy Wonka, I'm just so excited right now," Fallon stated.

Gadot was unaware that each package contained two pieces. Fallon explained that she could eat, save, or freeze the second one. (But, uh. We’re mostly familiar with eating them both at the same time.)

Her thoughts on Reese’s cups can be summed up with this image.


But just in case it wasn’t clear, she made sure to verbally state that chocolate and peanut butter are a winning combo.

"That is really good," she stated. "I can’t believe I’ve never tried it."

Prior to trying the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup, Gadot said her favorite candy was a chocolate bar that had Pop Rocks inside. We’re not too sure about to whether or not that one was bumped in favor of Reese’s, but surely they’re neck-in-neck.

The one bummer about this clip is that Gadot said her daughter, Alma, won’t be dressing up as Wonder Woman this Halloween. Instead, she’ll be a zombie this year. But, then, we’re sure Gadot will see a bunch of kids dressed up as her popular character while she’s out celebrating.

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