Gabourey Sidibe reacts to seeing her Lane Bryant ad with this perfect tweet
Gabourey Sidibe is outspoken, funny, and not afraid to be her authentic self. The Empire actress can add “model” to her resume now that she is one of the faces for the Lane Bryant #ThisBody campaign, which aims to “shed light on the negative and positive comments [the models] received on social media and show us how they faced them head-on. Good or bad, they shine through it all.” And let’s be very clear, Sidibe is shining bright in her advertisement and she’s excited AF about it, as she should be.
Sidibe tweeted her reaction to her ad that was posted in a subway station. She’s so thankful about feeling beautiful and getting her chance to shine. And she is truly glowing.
I'm STILL not over this. Who knows how many subway posters I walked by hoping to one day feel as beautiful as the faces I passed.
— Gabby Sidibe (@GabbySidibe) October 20, 2016
The #ThisBody campaign is spreading body positivity awareness by encouraging others to share positive comments via social media. They have prewritten comments on the website’s homepage that only requires a click to share on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, or Facebook.
So far Lane Bryant’s movement has garnered a following and the positive vibes are flowing through the inter-webs like wildfire.
In the campaign, Sidibe is joined by fellow models, Danielle Brooks, Ashley Graham, Alessandra Garcia, and Candace Huffine. This powerful group of women is diverse, confident, and ready to kick negative social attitudes toward body image to the curb. They’re letting women know that it’s wonderful to love the body you’re in, and no one should tell you otherwise.
“Slay it all day,” Sidibe demands in the #ThisBody video up on the website. How can we not when we have such an amazing role model to idolize?
To find out how you can get involved in the #ThisBody campaign, go to Slay it all day, Gabourey. Slay it all day.