Gabourey Sidibe has opened up about her “war with her body” and struggle with bulimia

Body image issues can strike anyone — even mega-talented Hollywood stars who seem like they have it all figured out. In her new memoir, Oscar-nominated actress Gabourey Sidibe opens up about weight loss surgery and her battle with bulimia, depression and anxiety (which she eventually overcame through therapy). We’re so proud of her for opening up about these incredibly difficult topics and using her public platform to reach out to others who may be struggling.

The latest issue of People includes excerpts from her upcoming memoir, titled This Is Just My Face: Try Not To Stare, in which Sidibe admits that she began worrying about her appearance at a very early age. However (with a lot of soul-searching), she said she’s grown to love and accept herself. “I was in a war with my body for a long time. If I’d started treating it better sooner, I wouldn’t have spent so many years hating myself.” We couldn’t be happier that Sidibe found self-acceptance, and we hope that this serves as a reminder to all of us:

Self-love is possible!


"There’s nothing ugly about me. Anyone trying to convince me that I am — and it’s usually me — is wasting her time," she writes in the memoir.

Stating that her “lifelong relationship with food had to change,” Sidibe underwent weight loss surgery about 10 months ago, and delved into her reasons for doing so. “I did not get this surgery to be beautiful. I did it so I can walk around comfortably in heels. I want to do a cartwheel. I want not to be in pain every time I walk up a flight of stairs.”

via giphySidibe works out with a fitness trainer, consults a nutritionist, and — most importantly — recognizes that this is a gradual process, so she constantly sets new personal goals for herself.  “I have a goal right now, and I’m almost there. And then once I’ve got it, I’ll set another.” 

And best of all, she doesn’t listen to online haters.

You are such an inspiration, Gabourey. Thank you so much for sharing your story!