The Sturgeon Full Moon in Aquarius Is Bringing Change—Here’s What This Means
Expect the unexpected.

The Sturgeon full moon in Aquarius occurs on August 3rd. During this luminary, you can expect change to happen (even if you aren’t expecting it). Embrace the unexpected and accept emotional evolution. And, in true Aquarian fashion, lend your voice to humanitarian projects and protests.
It may be time to begrudgingly say goodbye to friendships that are no longer serving your highest and truest sensibilities during this potent full moon. On the flip side, you will honor your best friends who have proven their loyalty to you throughout the years.
A world project is coming to a close, which is seriously bumming you out. However, you have the chance to create more opportunities for yourself during this luminary. When one door closes, another opens for you. Don’t hold yourself back from new and exciting projects.
Your dreams can become reality now—if you have faith in yourself and trust the process. You’ll be able to motivate yourself as well as others towards achieving greatness. The road to success can take a long time and doesn’t happen overnight. Have patience.
Your heart and mind are evolving at rampant speed, which is pushing you out of your comfort zone. Change is happening, even if you’re not ready. Be prepared to shapeshift your views and beliefs—even transforming the way you feel about situations and relationships.
The time has come for you to define the relationship (DTR) you’re currently in—or at least make your relationship status public on social media. Have an open and honest conversation with your partner to discuss your feelings about putting your relationship on display for everyone to know about.
Let the cosmos revamp your daily life and be open to all of the unexpected events that may come your way. In fact, you may even receive some inspiring news, all of which will help to boost your confidence and professional goals down the road.
It’s time to level up your tender, sentimental side. If you’re crushing on someone new, ask them out for a Zoom coffee date. And if you are in a relationship, do something nice for your sweetie. Don’t hold your heart back from love and romance.
Your inner needs are shifting and becoming more radical and idealistic. Don’t fight this transformative process. Embrace these changes and welcome them with a loving heart and open arms. It will be good for you to align with different views and ideologies during this full moon.
Oftentimes, you feel as though you have to be extra and loud to be heard by your crew. What you’ll find during the Sturgeon full moon is that your squad is listening and respecting your philosophies—no matter how controversial and evocative they are.
It’s time to set boundaries with your crew. Although you don’t want to be difficult with your friends, it’s important for you to create limits to ensure that they don’t step all over you. Hopefully they will respect your feelings.
You’ve been giving a lot of energy to make your relationship work over the past few weeks. Now you’re wanting to focus your energies back onto yourself. Being selfish goes against your emotional grain, but it’s important to put your needs first during this time.
Do something to help out a colleague in need during this luminary. Help them with all of the work piling up in their inbox and discuss ways in which they can keep themselves more organized. Giving your time to help them will keep you busy.