We now have official confirmation that eating your fruits and veggies makes you happy!

We’ve known for a long-time that eating lots of vegetables is good for your health. There’s been hard evidence for a while now that living a lifestyle filled with fresh fruits and veggies can prevent many diseases and have some major positive impacts in the future.

But now there’s even more scientific proof that eating your fruits and veggies has a positive impact, and not just on your physical body.

Eating fruits and veggies can make you HAPPIER!


A new study recently published in the Science News Journal shows that a diet filled with fruits and vegetables can actually make you happier (and you don’t have to wait all that long to start feeling the results).

The study found that about 12,000 randomly selected people who added eight servings of fruits and vegetables to their diet consistently started to notice significant psychological benefits within two years. Which means that you don’t have to wait all that long to start reaping really great benefits from healthier life choices.


It turns out something as simple an extra apple and some kale chips can give you that magical extra pick-me-up you didn’t even know you needed. It’s especially needed in a typical western diet, which often lacks a lot of fresh food elements. In fact, adding these healthy choices to your meals has the same happiness boost that people experience when they go from unemployed to employed.

So if you’re feeling a little down in the dumps one day, consider adding some seriously sweet fruits or nutrient-rich veggies to your diet. Choosing that consistently can, in a very short time, make you feel like a total rockstar in no time.
