Why this weekend’s full moon is being called a “Frost Moon”

Each full moon has its own flavor. As the seasons shift, the moon takes on a new meaning, and adopts a new story. November’s full moon is no different. Called the “Frost Moon,” November’s moon was most likely named by Native American peoples because of the frost and snow that covered the earth at this time of year. And while we may not get much of that this early anymore, the name continues.

This year, November’s Frost Moon is extra special because it’s nearly a supermoon…just not quite. A supermoon happens when a new or full moon closely coincides with earth’s perigee, or the closest point to earth during the moon’s orbit. So when a new or full moon is closer to the earth than it is all month, it’s a supermoon. Plus, we can see it for ourselves, as a supermoon can look “14 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter,” according to Bustle and Space.com. As for this month’s Frost Moon, it isn’t quite a supermoon because it’s not at perigee — but it’s almost there, which means we can expect an intense moon, and energy, regardless.

The Frost Moon is also known as the “Blood Moon,” “Beaver Moon,” and “Hunter’s Moon,” with the latter being of special significance amongst Native American tribes who would feast before this moon.

October’s full moon was, on the other hand, the Harvest Moon, which is the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox and usually occurs in September. The Hunter’s Moon follows after this, and usually occurs in October.

But every four years, we get our Hunter’s Moon in November, which makes today’s Frost Moon even more special.

Today, we urge you to take a few minutes to say hello to our lovely luna. May her light guide you into this new month with love and support.

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