11 Friendsgiving gifts that your squad will actually want (and totally deserve)
It’s almost time for our favorite holiday! We can probably all agree that Friendsgiving is the best fall holiday. Even though celebrating Friendsgiving can be stressful, at the end of the day the rules of Friendsgiving are simple: be a friend. Or better yet, be the best friend you can possibly be, and also eat a ton of food together (but let’s be honest, you guys were definitely going to eat a ton of food no matter what day it is).
These trendy Friendsgiving gifts are the perfect way to show your squad some love, and to be the best house guest around! Whether your friends are skincare obsessed, sassy AF, 100% into home decor, or obsessed with all things environmentally friendly, you’ll find the perfect surprise to thank your squad for always having your back. Because that’s what Friendsgiving is all about!
1. The Mullein and Sparrow Rose Gift Set ($42)
2. The b.a.r.e soaps Alpine Gift Box ($35)
3. This Golden Girls candle to say thanks for being a friend ($10)
4. This beautiful No Sweater ($50)
5. This Save The Bees patch ($12)
6. This A Bottle of Red Wine Tote ($15)
7. This Garden Seeds Screen Printed T Shirt ($20)
8. This Hand Embroidered Peace Sign tee ($12)
9. This Notebook & Pencil Set Gratitude Journal ($8)
10. This It’s Okay to Say NO Mug ($13)
11. This set of 12 bath bombs to split amongst your squad ($12)
Nab one (or more!) of these Friendsgiving gifts, and it’ll be almost too easy to show your friends major gratitude.