So you went through a friend break-up
A friend can be one of the most important parts of your life. They are someone you go to for advice before anyone else. They are always on hand to help you with whatever life throws at you. Above all, you talk to them almost every minute of the day. So when you lose a friend, it’s absolutely as painful as a romantic break-up, or it can be. It can feel like your life is irreparably changed. But don’t panic.
It’s going to be OK eventually, even if it’s not right now
Losing a friend isn’t the end of the world. It may make you feel horrible. You may need an appointment with a box of tissues and Netflix, and to just feel some feelings. That is totally OK. But in time, you’ll heal.
Try to stay busy
Try to fill the time with something you were planning on catching up on. Maybe you could try a new hobby and do a lot of the things you never had time for. Pick up one of those books on your shelf you never got to. Go out with other friends.
Sometimes, friend break-ups are for the best
For whatever reason you are no longer friends, it happened for a reason. There is no point in keeping a bad friend. You might soon find out that you are happier without them. It’s hard, but in the long run, it might be what you need.
You may be friends again someday
Life works in funny ways. Years later, you and your former friend may connect in a different way and repair the break. It’s hard to say if anything is forever.
Win some, lose some
The thing about friends is you can gain new ones at anytime. Without even looking for friends, an opportunity could arise some day. Even talking to someone new at work can do the trick. Communication is key. People come in and out of our lives, and just because a relationship didn’t last until the end of time doesn’t mean that it wasn’t valuable or important. Take a deep breath, hold your head high, and get back out there. You’ve totally got this.Alan Rooney is just your regular Netflix addict. He also likes sleep.. and food. He sometimes forgets there is a world outside the internet. Follow him on twitter @officialalanr. [Image via YouTube]