This video takes us inside a French butter factory, and we now have actual romantic feelings for butter

Talented chef and author, Julia Child, was on to something when she discovered the wonders of French food. And, thanks to her book, Mastering the Art of French Cooking, French dishes continue to gain popularity across the United States. With choices like crepes, bouillabaisse, and souffles, this doesn’t come as a surprise!

Recognizable foods aside, the French also specialize in everyone’s favorite spread: butter.

In fact, the Jean-Yves Bordier Butter factory makes butter look TOO GOOD. In a tour documented by Youtuber, Mind of a Chef, we get an inside look at all the inner makings of this pure goodness.

The way he describes so many steps of the process have us feeling some romantic feels:


The butter might be ready, but we don’t know if we are, Chef Ludo.


Sweet, delicious towers of butter. Who could ask for more?


Who is this client? Can we become one? How else can we customize mounds of butter??

More impressive than the process itself is the care that goes into ensuring that every customer gets exactly what they order. Height, length, and width are all considered with these custom orders. Stamps, such as a customer’s logo or initials, put the finishing touches on these little yellow globs of heaven.

The season in which the butter is made also produces unique flavors. Chef Ludo vouches that butters made in the spring are of the utmost quality.

Listen, we know that butter isn’t that good for us but we don’t care. We’re running away to marry butter (or possibly Chef Ludo) and we’re going to live our beautiful life together, and maybe you just don’t understand TRUE LOVE, MOM AND DAD!

(PS. Our wedding dress will be made of butter.)

(PPS. Our registry is entirely croissants.)