Forum Chatter: #WatchCommunity, Quirky Women & Flickr!

Hey Gigglers! Had a good weekend? I hope you did.

Here’s what’s happening in our forum this week.


by RetroSnowflake

“Community is just pure gold. Period.” Are you a fan of Community? Talk about it, here!

Are Adorable & Quirky Women Suitable for a Lead Role Fifty Shades?

by Vandrea Oviedo

“So little gigglers let’s take our shinny bangs, big expressing eyes and unique attributes to star conquer our sensual potential while embracing our sweet looks with a sexy chic and glam outline. Because we all deserve a white or dark knight in live and why not in our romance- BDSM films

Let’s comment what is your opinion of Zooey being Anastasia Steel, if you have read any of the books of have heard of them?.
Or if you prefer I would love to hear ¿how you embrace your look and give a sexy touch to your giggle been? … 

What do you think? Join the conversation.

Share Your Flickr Account!

by LucyH

“Here you can share your Flickr account 

 Maybe show us some photo’s already to give us a first impression?

LucyH wants to see your flickr accounts! Share them, here.

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