Forum Chatter: Music Gods, Keeping Resolutions and Women Who Rock!

Here’s your weekly forum update, enjoy!

Who Is Your God of Music?

by HoLLIs

“Leveling it down to one God is HARD! But Jeff Buckley, damn he was ridiculously good. As for Goddess, thats easy. FIONA APPLE! She is literally a Goddess I would kiss her feet and praise her for coming back and saving the music world. I literally love that woman. Nothing anyone says can change that. Shes amazing!!!!!!!!”

Who are you currently rocking out to? Let us know!

Some Thoughts: New Year’s Resolutions 2013

Did you make any resolutions? Are you keeping them?

by bearlove

“Maybe it’s just another year, a new list even though the old list s still not checked yet… but “new” is always a fun thing. I had a pretty amazing year in 2012, but still struggling to make my 2013 because there’s so many changes in my life.”

Share your progress with ‘bearlove’ and all the other gigglers, here.

Women Who ROCK!

by sunshinekid

“Carrie Brownstein is one of my idols – she’s a badass rocker, totally smart, and hilarious too. I also love Jenny Lewis (Rilo Kiley, Jenny and Johnny) and of course Zooey Deschanel. Listening to She & Him is how I found out about her as an actress, actually.”

Who are some of the women you admire? Tell us about them!

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