This “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” deleted scene is pure Leia — and Carrie Fisher — magic

If you’ve already watched every moment of Princess Leia in Star Wars after Carrie Fisher’s death, then we have one more tiny scene for you to see that might bring a small smile to your face. This deleted scene from The Force Awakens not only shows General Leia Organa at her best — it also shows Carrie at her best — and is a must-see for all Leia and Carrie fans.

The deleted scene is included on the 3D Collector’s Edition of The Force Awakens and is only 15-seconds long between Leia and Korr Sella. Leia tells Korrie to deliver the message to the Senate that the Republic must take action against the First Order. When Korrie respectfully asks, “Will the Republic listen?” Leia’s response is so perfectly Fisher:

"Not all the Senators think I'm insane. Or maybe they do — I don't care."

It’s the right amount of Leia independence and Fisher’s own personal brand of sass. Plus, Fisher’s delivery is just so cheeky and it reflects all those times that Fisher defied to live by the expectations that Hollywood and the public placed up on her.


As this deleted Star Wars scene proves, General Leia Organa is our fictional hero. However, Fisher was our real-life hero and will remain so even after her death.

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