This football star just stole half-time with an epic viral dance
At a recent Arizona Rattlers game, the half-time dancers were joined by an unexpected guest. Oscar Hernandez, dressed as a football player, joined the ladies on the field and proceeded to break it down. The moves! So on point!
Although dressed as a very fierce football player, Hernandez, 32, is actually the choreographer for the dance team. Despite his attire, he’s never actually played football. He got his start in dance at age 5, continued throughout high school, and got his professional break working with the Phoenix Suns in 2002.
Since then, Hernandez has worked with acts like Salt-N-Pepa and Busta Rhymes, along with the NBA, NFL, WNBA. Basically if there’s a sport that involves a halftime show, Hernandez has been the man behind the scenes.
Or like recently, the man very much in front of the camera. “When I’m out there performing, I’m going to make sure you remember me,” he told The Sporting News. “Make sure you remember this big guy.”
Considering that split he pulls off, we’ve got to agree that he’s got the skills to back up his great choreography.
You can watch the entire performance below, with every magnificent beat hit perfectly. Wait until :47, it’s worth it.
(Image via Youtube)