This food blogger is selling her Instagram pictures as works of art, err what?

We can’t keep track of the number of times we’ve gone to a delicious restaurant and declared our food works of art. Well, Julie Lee, curator of the Instagram account julieskitchen, turns her beautiful photos of food into actual works of art that she sells on her website. Julie also teaches workshops and buys all her ingredients from the farmer’s market, or plants them herself. Check out her blog, and join her over 150,000 Instagram followers.

Below are some of our favorite julieskitchen collages

Desconstructed Ramen

She’s right… Mother Nature is crazy

Never has farmers market produce looked so good

Vegetable time is our favorite time

Who knew Top Ramen could be a work of art?

We’re all about this Hawaiian themed Instagram

She even makes compost look good!

A tasty and somewhat healthy Halloween treat

Even the pickiest of eaters would enjoy this summer salad

We love the purple tones of this vegetable print

Who knew a mandolin could be used for art?

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