These Flower Moon rituals will help you unleash your inner spring goddess

On May 29th, the Full Flower Moon will be in bloom and, if you play your tarot cards right, so will your inner goddess. The full moon provides a wonderful opportunity to partake in a monthly ritual and focus on setting goals for the moon cycle ahead. In light of the arrival of the Flower Moon, take some time for yourself and focus on bringing positivity into the spring days ahead.

You don’t have to be a daily practitioner of magick or ritual to reap the benefits of a full moon. As long as you believe that the moon’s energy can have an effect on your life and decisions, and can even sway your physical and mental clarity, you can easily harness the energy it has to offer during each of its phases.

It’s believed by witches, pagans, and believers in natural magick that a full moon is the best time to welcome in new ideas and set goals while recharging your energy. It’s during a full moon that personal problems and negative influences are brought to light. You can therefore prepare to banish negativity from your life during waning phases and cleanse your space to ready yourself to complete the goals ahead.

Take advantage of May’s Flower Moon, and the many full moons to come, by partaking in one or all of the following Flower Moon rituals. Set intentions and watch them bloom to life with each passing phase of the moon.

Set up an altar.

No matter your faith or spirituality, creating a space dedicated to your belief system is essential for focusing on and applying your beliefs to your daily life. Fill your altar with things that speak to you, like photos of religious or cultural deities, quotes from your favorite authors, scented or colored candles, crystals, or plants.

For the Flower Moon, you may want to rearrange your altar to incorporate your favorite spring blossoms. There’s no wrong way to build an altar. Use it as a source of inspiration to make change and better your life. If you don’t have space to make an altar (which can actually be as small as a windowsill), try to make a dream board instead. Being able to picture what you want in life will help you manifest those things in the future.

Read your tarot cards.

Using the reflective energy of the full moon, read your tarot cards with the intention of being guided toward the right path to achieve the goal you set for yourself. Either opt for a simple spread — such as a three-card spread representing past, present, and future — or work with The Tower card, ruled by Mars (the Flower Moon falls on a Tuesday, also ruled by Mars), to uncover possible restructuring and change headed your way during the upcoming moon cycle.

Remember, you can use tarot to help you through major and minor life shifts, such as deciding to drop everything and move across the country or simply changing your attitude surrounding a certain person or point of view. They can truly clarify any situation.


Journaling is an effective everyday ritual we’d all do well to work into our lives. Getting thoughts onto paper can help clear your mind and ready it for new thoughts and ideas — an ideal activity to do during a full moon.

If you’ve already been keeping a journal, go back a few pages and read what your worries, hopes, and goals were in the months prior to now. Have you achieved them? What will you do to help yourself attain your new goals? Make a plan, build up your confidence, and continue to write the story of you.

Clean your space, yourself, and your mind.

To fully ready yourself to make a shift toward more positive things, begin to clean your space of all things that bring you down or give you anxiety. Continue to do this through the waning phases so that by the new moon, you’re absolutely willing and ready to take in all things good.

Do the same with your body and mind. Take the evening of the Flower Moon to bask in a comforting bath with a spring-scented bath bomb and while bathing, think about nothing but yourself and the positivity you’re about to invite into your life.

A full moon is also a prime opportunity to cleanse yourself of social media. Give yourself a week off from comparing yourself to others on Instagram, Snapchat, and/or Facebook. You’re doing enough and you’re on the path that’s meant for you. Don’t be bamboozled by social media into thinking you’re not doing what you should be.

Keep an open mind when the Flower Moon arrives. It might want to take you down a route you didn’t intend to travel, but that’s all part of life’s adventure. Change is good, as long as it brings you happiness.

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