Fix your “Game of Thrones” withdrawal with these shows

Winter has come. Our watch has ended. A Lannister probably will stop paying for HBO Go for a while. If you’re anything like us, a deep sadness is starting to penetrate you, knowing it’s likely going to be about nine months ’til our next visit to Game of Thrones. While lots of guides will give you good suggestions on shows to try in the interim, here’s a special list of what you shows might enjoy based on your favorite aspect of Game of Thrones.

If you like the fantasy elements: The Shannara Chronicles


Based on an iconic fantasy novel series by Terry Brooks, this MTV show has got elves, princesses, enchanted trees, and more to tide you over until we get back to our Dragon Queen.

If you’re in it for love: Outlander


If it’s the romantic relationships between Jaime and Cersei or Brienne and Tormund that get you going, check out this incredible story of a 1940s nurse swept into 18th century Scotland and the arms of the hottest Scottish man we’ve ever seen.

If the battles get your blood up: The Vikings


Raids, battles, and bad-ass fighting ladies characterize The Vikings, a show on the History Channel with every bit as much grit as our beloved Game of Thrones. We get the feeling the wildlings would fit right in here! With four seasons under its belt and a renewal for a fifth, you’ve got lots to catch up on, too!

If you get gleeful at manipulations: UnREAL


While the show may have lost some of its smart, deconstructionalist style, the back-stabbing, side-switching, and general manipulating is at a new high on Lifetime’s UnREAL. If you love never knowing who is on what side, this is the perfect Game of Thrones companion for you.

There you go, fellow Westerosi; any craving you’ve got now that we’re in for the long winter of hiatus can be solved by another great show. Now excuse us, we’ve been thinking about Arya’s pie so much we’re off to watch The Great British Baking Show.

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